I haven’t been Miss Alpha for many, many years, and yet that is what I want my students to call me! Alpha is just too intimate and anything else (Mrs Someone) is not correct. So Miss Alpha it is and I am very comfortable with that!
I started teaching piano right after I graduated from the Eastman School of Music in 1967. I majored in oboe, and piano, and I took every course required of a theory major. After all, music is narrow enough – why narrow it even further!
I want to say that despite all these years, and having started many (hundreds of) beginners, I am still a bit nervous at the first lesson. I think that is because I am so aware of the importance of that first lesson!
So what I would like to do is answer your questions. I think that is the best way of sharing my knowledge. Please write to me at
Thanks in advance for all your thoughtful questions!